Over here at Bing Ads our aim is to make paid search easy and ensure that it gives you a powerful return on the time and money you invest.
So how can we do that for you? Above and beyond the fact that the Yahoo Bing Network is 29% of the search marketplace (that’s nearly one-third of all search queries in the US), here are 25 more great reasons to (re)sign up for Bing Ads today:
1) Bing Ads drives more leads, more sales and more traffic for less money.
“If you’re doing any sort of pay-per-click advertising these days, you should definitely try Bing Ads. A lower cost per click means more traffic to your website for less money.”[i]
Darian Schouten, account manager at TechWyse Internet Marketing
2) The travel audience on Bing rocks. 16 million folks search Bing for travel-related purchases, and not Google.[ii]
3) Bing is beautiful. Many searchers make Bing their default search engine because they want to see our new, beautiful photo of the day.

4) Bing powers search beyond Microsoft, for partners including Macintosh, Kindle, Fire Phone, Netflix and Facebook. Bing is bigger than its search box. But never too big for its britches.
5) Bing is growing audience share globally and here in the US through continued commitment to delivering search results that resonate.

6) Click-through rates and cost-per-click will be less than for other channels which, shall remain unnamed.
“25% lower cost per lead and a 35% lower cost per click using Bing Ads compared with AdWords.”[iv]
Jim Hsieh, director of digital marketing at American Advisors Group
7) People on Bing are a little older than Google searchers. Which means they have more disposable income to spend. They probably have better taste, too, but we lost the data that proves that.[v]
8) Bing searchers are smarty pants. There are more college grads and grad students clicking through our pages than our party school rival.
9) Bing households have an average of one to four children. You’re going to want to be on their back to school list.[vi]
10) Bing Ads share of search in the US has grown 125% since launch.[vii] Our trajectory is upwards, and will continue in that direction with support from happy searchers and advertisers.
11) Our Google Import tool makes it quick and easy to bring successful, established campaigns quickly over to Bing Ads.
12) We care. We really do.
“Compared to other major advertising platforms, the customer service that Bing Ads provides wins every time. Bing Ads takes the time to treat its customers well.”[viii]
Raine Christensen, president of RateHero
13) I’m not kidding – we really want to make sure you’re well taken care of:
14) Do you sell clothes, pet supplies, candles, books, electronics, jewelry, cards, stationary, flowers, shoes, dolls, shoes for dolls? Bing has 31 million retail shoppers who are not on Google.[ix]
15) More ladies search on Bing. And we sure do value them:
16) Bing Ads mobile clicks and searches delivered have grown 166% year-over-year. This is aggressive. It’s also an invitation to advertisers.[x]
“Nearly across the board we are seeing greater efficiencies in both smartphone and tablet advertising for the Yahoo Bing Network,when compared to Google.”
Roger Barnette, President of IgnitionOne
17) Bing travelers are first class jet setters. They’re more likely to take multiple international trips a year.[xi]
18) Bing Ads mobile audience represents 34% of the mobile search market.[xii]
19) Don’t forget to invite Bing searchers out to dine, they typically spend an average of $500 a month on gourmet foods. They are total foodies.[xiii]

20) Did I mention that Bing Ads is less expensive than, you know, those other guys?
“It’s important that our clients have as much visibility as they can, and dollar for dollar, they’re really getting a good deal when they’re using Bing Ads.”[xiv]
Anthony Parker, director of SEM & social media at Cendyn/ONE
21) Our engineering team is on track to complete product updates in 2014, all designed to make our interface simpler, faster and more useful for advertisers.
22) Vroom vroom! Bing users are 98% more likely to buy a large luxury car in the next six months, than searchers on Google.[xv]
23) I know I’ve already listed it, I think twice now, but every time I tell someone they are surprised. So, I’m just going to say it again. The Yahoo Bing Network is 29% of the search marketplace, and 1/3 of all searches in the US are done on Bing.
24) Search is changing. When you sit down at your computer (if you’re on Windows 8.1) you can just start typing to search – no browser window, no search box and no lists of blue links. Instead you’ll see answers to your search sourced from your documents, the web and advertisers. Change is coming – don’t be left behind.
25) We’re listening to customer feedback, we’re making sure we offer you comparable functionality to AdWords and robust API tools. Check out our latest video to see what’s new with Bing Ads:
[i] TechWyse Bing Ads case study 2014
[ii] comScore qSearch (custom), US, March 2014; industry categories based on comScore classifications
[iii] comScore Explicit Core Search (custom), June 2014
[iv] TechWyse Bing Ads case study 2014
[v] comScore Explicit Core Search (custom), June 2014
[vi] comScore Explicit Core Search (custom), June 2014
[vii] Yahoo Bing Network internal data, Q1 2013 to Q1 2014
[viii] RateHero Bing Ads case study 2014
[ix] Audience data represents Bing Web and Yahoo U.S. Web Search from comScore qSearch (custom), US, March 2014. Industry categories based on comScore classifications.
[x] Yahoo Bing Network internal data, Q1 2013 to Q1 2014
[xi] comScore Plan Metrix, US, April 2014, custom measure created using comScore indices and duplication.
[xii] comScore Plan Metrix, US, April 2014, custom measure created using comScore indices and duplication.
[xiii] comScore Plan Metrix, US, October 2013, custom measure created using comScore indices and duplication.
[xiv] Cendyn/ONE Bing Ads case study 2014
[xv] comScore Plan Metrix, US, March 2014, custom measure created using comScore indices and duplication