Our next Hero Conf 2012 speaker transcript is from Brad Geddes, where he sheds some light on quality score. Don’t forget we will be posting our transcripts from last year periodically through out the coming months. Feel free to reminisce or check out what you missed!
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Woman: Hi, everybody. How are you all doing?
Brad: Good
Woman: Good, excellent. Thank you all for coming to Hero Conf today, we really appreciate it. We’re very excited today to have Mr. Brad Geddes today. As you guys probably know or else you would not be sitting in this room. We’re going to demystify quality score today. And Brad was nice enough to actually go ahead and – we’re going to go off the cuff, which is going to be excellent.
For those of you who do not know Brad, Brad is one of the first Google advertising professionals, ever. Very special. One of his trademarks actually has been to demystify the complicated aspects of SEO, PPC, and Internet advertising. So, hopefully we’ll learn a lot today. I’m sure we will.
And if everybody could give a round of applause for Brad, we’ll get started.
Brad: Okay, so as I mentioned, I’m going to assume you know what makes quality scores. But what do we do with it, right? That’s really the question. So I’m going to sort of walk through here how I look at quality score and find places to work with it within an account.
So, the problem is you get keyword reports and you’ve got potentially hundreds of thousands of keywords and more data than you really want to deal with. So the question is, how do we make this something useful, that’s actionable, that gives us a place to work on quality score? …