Today’s PPC Hero Landing Page Optimization Podcast will focus on the PPC landing page, submitted by Lee. Lee submitted the page because he’s looking for ideas to increase his conversion rates, and specifically for thoughts about the website’s overall appearance and calls to action. We don’t have a sampling of the ads and PPC keywords First4Lawyers uses for this landing page, so this podcast is focused on on-page conversion optimization.
The PPC Hero team has provided an analysis of the well-formatted elements of the landing page, as well as some ideas which could be tested to continually improve PPC conversion rates. Our discussion focuses on the following areas:
• Page aesthetics & trust- a clean site design establishes credibility & encourages user engagement, but reducing clutter and adding trust symbols such as association & certification logos can convey trustworthiness to website visitors.
• Conversion methods- multiple, prominently visible conversion methods on the page give users many opportunities to convert. Language changes could improve calls to action and color changes could draw more attention to some of the conversion methods offered.
• Website and landing page content- the site offers a plethora of useful information for potential clients and answers questions clearly. Testing some navigational changes on the landing page for important site content could help users find the information they’re looking for more quickly.
Visit the site and follow along with the PPC Hero team’s suggestions for various elements of the landing page!
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Download MP3 podcast files:
1. PPC Hero Landing Page Optimization Podcast – (7.8 MB, .mp3)
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Here is a quick snapshot of First4Lawyers Landing Page:

Are you interested in having your landing page critiqued by the PPC Hero team? Don’t be shy! We’d love to hear from you. Check out our submission guidelines and send us your information!