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PPC Hero is written by search marketing consultants at Hanapin Marketing, a search agency located in Bloomington, Indiana.

Hanapin is currently taking new clients. Read below for more information on the pay per click management services we offer as well as the types of clients we service and why you should hire us!

Pay Per Click Management Services

Hanapin specializes in transition existing pay per click accounts — either from other search agencies or in-house managers — with budgets starting at $15,000/month across Google AdWords, Microsoft adCenter, and/or Yahoo! Search Marketing. Hanapin (nearly) exclusively focuses on transitioning existing PPC accounts because of our unique expertise in quality score to ensure that your quality score does not decrease as we restructure the account for maximum performance. We very rarely setup accounts from scratch.

While we normally assign 1-2 account managers to each client, for the first three months of each engagement, we assign 1-2 additional account managers to ensure a smooth transition from the current manager to Hanapin, to speed up our learning curve, to over communicate what we’re working on for full transparency, to ensure there are no business interruptions to you, and to deliver a much quicker ROI than we would otherwise. Additionally, we can generate a fairly healthy ROI for you either by maintaining your traffic/lead counts and reducing your spend or maintaining your spend but increasing your traffic/lead counts.

As part of our monthly management services, we performance comprehensive keyword research, analyze web analytics, retire non-performing keywords, add variations of high-performing keywords, add negative keywords, add new websites for the content network, write and test new ads, recommend landing page improvements for headlines, body copy, contact form, and/or design (listen to some of our landing page critique here –> link to the podcast category), increase/decrease bids, and generally speaking, track and measure progress on a daily basis.

Communication and Reporting

Your primary account manager will send you a bi-weekly email, detailing all our activities, and monthly, he/she will send you a summary of statistics and analysis. Additionally, you’ll have access to Hanapin’s project management software, Basecamp, which details all activities and analysis that happen in between the regular updates. Of course, your account managers will be available throughout the month and will respond to all inquiries within 24 hours.


All engagements for pay per click management are for a minimum of one year. This time frame affords us enough time to deliver a solid ROI on your investment and ensures that you, as the client, are fully committed — that you weather any storms, don’t make rash decisions (like canceling to “save money” even though sales are up 20% — this really happened!), and really stick it through. Pay per click is an investment and an annual contract ensures that both parties treat it as such!

Fee Structure

Hanapin charges two fees — one is an audit/setup fee and one is a monthly management fee.

First, the monthly fee. This is a flat fee, based on 15% of the client’s initial budget. This allows us to get paid an appropriate amount for the work we expect to undertake on the account (which is why so many charge a percentage fee) *and* because it’s a flat fee, the client’s goals and our fees aren’t working against each other. Best of both worlds.

For example, if the client tells us their budget is $50K, we’ll charge them $7500/mo to manage the account. If they increase or decrease the budget, we’ll still charge them $7500/mo because the amount of work is still roughly the same. Of course, if the client increases their budget a significant amount (say $100K), we’ll revisit our management fee to ensure that we’re getting an equitable payout for our services and time.

While common practice within the industry, the idea of just charging a percentage of their budget (not spend) can be off-putting to most companies because — while they’re in charge of the budget and this is what the management fee should be based on — they’re just naturally uncomfortable with us getting paid more for not really doing that much more work.

We are open to doing CPA or commission deals after one year of working together. This is typically enough time for both parties to understand each other and the level of partnership. It also is enough time for you to become comfortable in how aggressively we grow your business and account and how aggressively you do as well.

Flat fee based on a percentage of their initial budget, with revisiting it every six months, is the best way to go for both parties.

Second, the audit/setup fee. This is a one-time fee, charged at the beginning of the engagement, that is equal to the monthly fee. The audit/setup period typically lasts for one month.

Hanapin Marketing Makes The PPC Proposal Process Simple!

Finding the right professional PPC firm shouldn’t be painful. Whether you’ve decided it’s time for a new kind of professional PPC firm, or you’re just curious to see what Hanapin Marketing can do for you, we’re ready to work with you to create a custom proposal to meet your PPC needs. With three simple steps, you’ll be on your way to Search Marketing success with Hanapin Marketing:

  1. It all starts with a phone call. You’ll speak with one of our professional Search Marketing project managers who’ll ask the right questions to get you started. We want to know more about your current PPC advertising and other Search Marketing so we can determine how to help you improve and grow. We’ll ask questions about your current PPC campaigns, your present challenges, your goals and expectations with professional PPC management, your competitive market, and the history and future of your overall business. But, we won’t make you do all the talking-we’ll also tell you all about what Hanapin Marketing does, our services, our people, and our experience. Questions are encouraged. We want you to come away from this call understanding more about your business-not just ours.
  2. With Hanapin Marketing, there are no canned proposals or form contracts. Once we get the background on you and your current PPC and Search Marketing, we get to work preparing a custom proposal to meet all of your needs with PPC management and achieve your goals with PPC advertising. A little research at this point gives us a clearer picture of how to coordinate strategies and set aggressive but reasonable goals. The whole team has input at this phase-your proposal is a collaborative effort and we draw on our team’s years of experience to make sure you get a comprehensive PPC plan with your custom proposal. We put in the work so you can see how we will make your PPC successful.

We know budget is a consideration for every company so, don’t worry-we’ve asked about yours and we keep that in mind as we put together your custom PPC proposal.

  1. A custom proposal communicates more than just cost. We lay out, in detail, the work we do, what you can expect from us, and how we get started. Costs are broken down so you can see exactly where your investment is going and there’s no tricky fine print or confusing pricing schemes. We’ll keep in touch with you so you can ask any questions and discuss the details of your custom PPC proposal. Things aren’t carved in stone so if you want more, or see things you want to change, let us know. We’ll work with you to make your proposal reflect exactly the PPC project you envision.

Now that you have the perfect PPC proposal, just sign on the dotted line and we get started-there’s no stress when everything is clear and understandable. We promise!

If you like what you’ve read so far and you’d like to talk to someone at Hanapin about your PPC projects, please call our President and CEO, Pat East at 812.330.3134 x106 (or, email him at [email protected] to schedule the call). Your initial phone call will last 30-60 minutes with four main objectives – to better understand your business and goals, to get a good feel for whether we’d like to work with each other, to understand whether Hanapin could deliver the ROI your looking for, and to answer any questions you have about us.You’ll see the difference a little time and understanding makes when designing your PPC project.

So go ahead, give us a call.  It’s simple, painless, and the first step to your ultimate PPC success!

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