Simple Way to Get Spending Under ControlYes. You heard me. The infamous sales duo from Hanapin is making a road trip north to Chicago! The best part? Our trip is next week!

So here’s where you come in…

Maybe you work in the marketing department at your company, and on top of the twelve bazillion other hats you wear; you’re also managing  $15k+ in pay-per-click advertising every month. This workload may have led you to decide that outsourcing your PPC marketing is the way to go, you just need to find the perfect agency partnership.

On the other hand, you could be preparing to dive-in to paid search for the first time and are looking for an agency to help out before you get in over your head and waste your enterprise-level company’s entire marketing budget.

As Hanapin’s Paid Search Consultant, I’ll be on hand to discuss either generally getting started in this advertising medium or talk more specifically about pain points in your goal metrics and how an agency could tackle those.

Sounds interesting, right? All you have to do is let me know who you are and where you want us! We’ll be in the Chicago area starting in the afternoon on Tuesday, April 3rd.

Get in touch with myself ([email protected]/812-330-3134 x111) or Director of Sales, Tom Hootman ([email protected] /812-330-3134 x120) and let us know when we can stop in and chat!