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After Your Transition and Optimization

How to Provide Ongoing Reporting to Your Client

Maintaining a frequent line of communication with your client is of utmost importance. A great, easy way to do this is to prepare weekly or monthly reports that are delivered at regularly scheduled intervals.

Before you go gung-ho and create thirteen different reports with every bit of data possible, think about it for a second: your client is busy. Your client likely hired you for a reason: because they didn’t know how or didn’t want to do the PPC work themselves. Keeping this in mind, determine the list of the top key performance indicators (KPIs) your client feels are most important and focus your reports on this information. Gather these KPIs and put them into a nice, easy-to-understand spreadsheet and you are on your way to providing a thorough, constant source of information to your client.

There are typically going to be KPIs that are mission critical, no matter who your client is, such as revenue and leads. The best way to find out these KPI is to ask. Your client may ask for detailed, lengthy reports, but you should definitely communicate that it would be best for both parties if you provide simple, useful reports that break down the most important information about the campaigns. The last thing you want to do is spend an unnecessary amount of time compiling a complex report, only to have it glanced at and promptly discarded by your client. The key here is communication.

Here are some critical questions to ask of yourself and your client before collecting data and compiling reports:

  • What are the mission-critical aspects of the account?
  • What measurement, more than any other, defines your campaign?
  • What would be the easiest and best way to convey this information to your client?
  • How often does your client want to see this information? Weekly? Monthly?
  • Are any other analytics tools available to gather further important information?

Ask these questions of yourself and your client, get the answers, define clear boundaries, outline your reports, and then get going on them. From here, you should be well prepared to provide ongoing reporting to your clients.

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