“I wouldn’t say I’ve been *missing* it, Bob.” You may have noticed that I didn’t post a ‘Letter from the CEO’ in October. My days at Hanapin have been extraordinarily busy lately with planning some big projects. Among them, we’ve officially accounced Hero Conf, and seven new team members started too! I’m back in the saddle though, and I’m lucky to have a team that kept generating great results while I was focusing on other things!

We’re now at the 240-day mark of our blog re-investment, and the Hanapin team continues to make great progress toward our goals. Comparing the previous 240 days to the same time frame before that, we’re now up 47% and 67% in visits and pageviews, respectively! Two months ago, we were at 31% and 47%, so we continue to make great strides.

Our specific company goal is to increase monthly pageviews to 91,906 by December 1. October finished at 75,547 so we’ve achieved about 82% of goal. We need a big, big November to hit our goal, and the team has some great content planned for November! But first…

October produced our highest pageview day in the history of PPC Hero! October 18 generated 3,844 pageviews. The Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords Quality Score was still a favorite article among our readers, followed by The 10 Cardinal Sins of Paid Search Marketing, written by guest blogger Ellerton Whitney. The third most popular article in October was the PPC Toolkit: Resources for Improving Your PPC Accounts by Abby Woodcock, which highlighted available resources on PPC Hero, covering topics ranging from Google Analytics to Remarketing.

As I mentioned, we announced PPC Hero’s first paid search conference, Hero Conf, which will take place on April 16 & 17 in Indianapolis, IN. We have several top-tier marketers lined up, and I can’t wait to officially announce them!

Another October highlight was Sarah, Felicia, Dave and Kayla’s great series on ‘How to Manage a ___________ PPC Account,’ which covered how to manage a low search volume account, an account with a small budget, an account that doesn’t run in AdWords, and an e-commerce account with no conversion tracking. They really covered it all in this informative series!

Last but certainly not least, we have a new PPC Hero Ally, John Rampton! He posts every Monday and has already written six posts! By the way, if you’re interested in guest posting on PPC Hero, please email [email protected].

This month, lots of businesses are preparing for the upcoming holidays, so we’ve decided to bring you an exciting series to help you get your PPC accounts in top shape before Cyber Monday! Kayla has already posted the intro to the series, and Sarah has written the first post about holiday-specific keyword research. The entire series features a distinctive Christmas theme, and it runs this week, giving you plenty of time to prep your accounts before the holiday rush!

This time of year provides lots of opportunities for giving and volunteering to help the less fortunate. The Hanapin team will be volunteering at the Hoosier Hills Food Bank to package food in a few weeks. This is a great opportunity for us to get to know our co-workers better and to help others! We’ll take plenty of pictures, and I’ll post them next month.

Toward the end of this month, we’ll post a guide to Multi-Channel Funnels (aka Multi-Channel Tracking and aka Cross-Channel Reporting) for paid search. Our quality score guide was such a big hit that we’ve decided to create ‘ultimate guides’ for several topics, and multi-channel funnels will be our second in the series (at least, it’ll be as close to ‘ultimate’ as we can get since multi-channel funnels were just released two months ago.

In October, Amanda put together several informative videos for us. For easy viewing, we’ve included titles and embedded videos below!

How To Make A PPC Landing Page Report In Excel

How to Pick A Paid Search Agency To Manage Your PPC Accounts

How to Use The MSN adCenter Desktop Editor

How To Prep Excel Worksheets For AdWords Editor

MSN adCenter Account Management Tips

Stay tuned this month for upcoming installments of Whaddya’know Wednesday, which will include our 5 favorite things about the new adCenter interface!

PPC Hero celebrated World Vegetarian Day on October 1 with Ms. Clicks, although he got in trouble for his lack of manners! Just recently for Halloween, PPC Hero and clan decided to dress up as The Addams Family!

In November, PPC Hero will be celebrating four holidays. On 11/11, we will have a special image to commemorate Veteran’s Day. Absurdity Day is on 11/20, so PPC Hero will be celebrating the crazy! Thanksgiving, on 11/24, is a time for us to give thanks for family, friends, and the good things in life, as well as stuff ourselves eating a delicious dinner! PPC Hero will have a custom image for Cyber Monday as well on 11/28, which is quickly becoming the biggest online shopping sales day of the year!

Thank you, as always, for reading PPC Hero! We’re excited to be starting a new month with all of you!