Our Next Hero Conf 2012 Speaker transcript is from our Super Panel Discussion.

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So we have Charles and Cleo of 7Search. Charles has 10 years of PPC experience and Cleo has 6 years with 7Search and is the Admin for the AskPPC blog. Then we have Michelle, who’s a Senior Account Manager at Yahoo, and who we at Hanapin work with very closely and absolutely love. We have Elizabeth Burkholder, who’s Agency Lead at Google. She develops partnerships with independent SEM firms, and she also works with Hanapin. We absolutely love her. We play no favorites. And we have Merry Morud, who’s an Online Marketing Account Manager at aimClear, and who’s spoken at, from what I can tell, every major industry event that we have. So that’s our super panel for this afternoon.

We’ll go ahead…

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