This week, Google AdWords introduced an updated version of AdWords Editor, which is now available to all advertisers. This version includes full support for labels, Upgraded URLs, call-only ads, ads in mobile apps and more.


This update is what I’m most looking forward to using. You can now create, edit or delete labels using the Labels tab under the Shared library in AdWords Editor. Assign or remove labels to and from your campaigns, ad groups, keywords, and ads in their corresponding data views. You can also filter your views using labels as well as export and import any account changes related to labels.


Upgraded URLs

Upgraded URLs, which need to be in place by July 1st, can now be updated using AdWords Editor. Once you’ve upgraded, you can manage your final URLs and tracking templates in the Editor as well.

Call-Only Ads

Call-only ads can now be created and managed in AdWords Editor.

Ads in Mobile Apps

Under “Keywords and targeting,” you can now choose to show your ads for certain categories of apps, including specific apps, placements and mobile app categories, like Games and Shopping.

Parental Status and Custom Affinities on the GDN

In addition to gender and age, you can now select to reach your customers based on their parental status.

There is now also added support for custom affinity under Audiences. Using custom affinity audiences, you can create your own affinity audiences, tailored to your business, to reach the right customers who are interested in your products or services.

What Else You Ask?

The latest version also features improvements to the search bar, more localization support and enhancements to overall UI navigation.

See how you can upgrade to AdWords Editor 11.1 now.