The Internet can be a strange place. People make weird posts, people browse strange sites and, most important of us to us PPC Heroes of the word, people search for weird things.
It’s something that we’ve long delighted in here at PPC Hero. For months and months we’ve regaled you with the weird search queries that have popped up in our reports. As much fun as it has been, it’s time to kick it up a notch.
This month at PPC Hero, we’re debuting a new feature wherein you are provided a picture and you have to guess the query that generated it. It’s sort of like the New Yorker’s caption contest only WAY classier (as you can tell by the photo below).
It is time to NAME THAT QUERY! Here are the rules:
1. Submit your guess in the box below.
2. If you’re right (or closest to the pin), you win everlasting glory (and an Amazon gift card! {Don’t get too excited about the gift card, though. This is more for everlasting glory.})
Here’s how the winner will be determined:
The query that inspired this image is 20 words long. Some of the words are more important that others (keywords, if you will), so the person who gets the most keywords (basically verbs or nouns) right out of that string will be crowned winner of the inaugural Name That Query. If multiple of you get the query exactly right, then we’ll defer to the person that came in first.
We’re not sadists here at PPC Hero, so we’ll give you some clues. Sort of like that RSTLNE business in Wheel of Fortune.
- Three of the twenty words are “I”
- The question word that inspired the question mark is “how”
- The person who typed in this query is trying to better him/herself
Now that four of the words are down, you only have 16 to go! If you don’t want to pad your response with extra keywords, you don’t have to. If you get the highest number of keywords right, you’ll still be crowned champion.
Get excited. It’s time to NAME THAT QUERY!
***The Contest Has Been Closed. Thanks for Playing.***