Have a great success story you would like to share with other PPC advertisers? We want to hear it!

If your PPC account was once suffering a poor ROI, low click volume or too high a cost-per-lead, etc. but is now performing well, we want to know what you did to get it to perform well and how you did it!

We’re collecting entries for the best PPC success story and the winner will get cool prizes and their story posted on our blog for all to read, plus we’ll link back to your blog.

Prize Giveaway:

  • Winner will receive 5 PPC and search marketing books
  • PPC Hero will post the winning success story on our blog and link back to the winner’s blog

PPC and Search Marketing Books (value of $100)

book giveaway

  • Landing Page Optimization: The Definitive Guide to Testing and Tuning for Conversions, 2008
  • AdWords For Dummies, 2007
  • The Ultimate Guide to Search Engine Marketing: Pay Per Click Advertising Secrets Revealed
  • Google Analytics 2.0
  • The Complete Guide to Google Advertising: Including Tips, Tricks, & strategies to Create a Winning Advertising Plan

Here’s How to Submit: Write a PPC success story. Your story should include the following:

  • How did your account performance start out, what was the problem? How did you find this out?
  • What steps were taken to improve the account? Did you come up with a solution on your own, or did you seek help from a fellow PPC advertiser or a search engine representative?
  • How did your strategy help the account exactly? Be specific.
  • What were the end results of the account performance? And what did you learn in this process that could help other advertisers?
  • Please include graphs or charts if possible
  • Include title of success story
  • Story must be at least 400 words.
  • If you can’t or don’t want to submit your company name in the story that is okay. You can anonymize the company name and any other identifying information by using generics. If you’re Science Diet, for example, you can use use generics like “Dog Food Company, Inc.” and keywords like, ‘dog food company’ and keywords like ‘natural dog food store’. You don’t have to be super specific, as long as we get the general idea of what happened. Of course, the more specific you are, the better we’ll be able to follow along!
  • Write the story in a word document format.
  • Basic information to include in email: Name, blog, company, email address, phone number and address for prize to be sent to.
  • All stories are due by: 7/15/2008
  • We will pick our winner by 7/18/2008
  • Send us your story with your word document as an attachment and all required information to: [email protected].
  • You do not have to be a ppchero.com subscriber to submit, but it would be nice!

Judging: Stories will be judged based on the complexity of the issue, originality of the PPC solution/strategy, legitimacy of the employed strategy, the final outcome, and how helpful the narrative could be to other PPC advertisers – rookies or veterans!