We love you. And we love Hero Conf. And we want you to be together.

We also love guest posts, and we’d like to do more of them. So we’re having a scholarship event! Starting today, we’re accepting submissions for guest posts on PPC Hero and rewarding the most popular post with a FREE registration to Hero Conf 2013!

Here’s how it works:

  • Send your guest post submission in full to [email protected].
  • Your submission should be around 600 to 900 words in length—be brief but interesting.
  • All submissions must be received by 11:59 pm on Friday, March 15—aka THIS Friday!
  • We will choose a group of finalists from our favorite posts and publish them to PPC Hero that weekend.
  • The posts will be judged according to the following criteria:
    • 50% on how many page views each post has.
    • 50% on the editorial judgment of the PPC experts at Hanapin Marketing. Innovation, brilliance, helpfulness, humor—they’ll all factor into the equation!
    • And remember, PPC Hero and Hero Conf are all about PPC, so keep that in mind as you write your post.

That’s it! The highest-rated blog post, so to speak, will win the prize.

A bit of fine print: If for whatever reason you can’t make Hero Conf 2013 or you’re already registered, we’ll carry over the free registration to next year’s conference.

Get to blogging—the deadline is Friday!