Google recently published a guide to train search raters. It is by far the most complete list of instructions that Google has ever openly published.
Continue Reading Google’s Search Rater Guide Shares How Google Ranks Websites
December 17, 2015 By Sarah Stemen
Google recently published a guide to train search raters. It is by far the most complete list of instructions that Google has ever openly published.
Continue Reading Google’s Search Rater Guide Shares How Google Ranks Websites
November 17, 2015 By Sarah Stemen
Strong campaigns start with a solid foundation of keywords. In order to build the right set of keywords you need to work with your client.
Continue Reading Smart Keyword Mining And Growth Is Still Important
November 9, 2015 By Sarah Stemen
Last week we touched on the importance of search query reports to measure the value of branded campaigns. Today, we're going to look at search funnels.
Continue Reading Using Search Funnels To Measure Branded Performance
November 2, 2015 By Sarah Stemen
Throughout the month of November, we'll review easy ways to measure the value of branded campaigns.
Continue Reading Easy Ways To Measure The Value Of Branded Campaigns
November 2, 2015 By Sarah Stemen
Google Analytics added a cohort analysis report as a feature. This report is very easy to set up, and useful when you are looking at user behavior over time.
Continue Reading Google Analytics Cohort Report Video Explanation
September 21, 2015 By Sarah Stemen
If you decide to start using RLSA you can set them up in one of two ways. This PPC post will cover each method and the pros and cons of each.
Continue Reading A No-Nonsense Pros And Cons List For RLSA Implementation
September 3, 2015 By Sarah Stemen
As marketers, we follow the masses and learn to show ads where people play. And we make our ads look so great that people can't help but click. We entice.
Continue Reading Boost Your PPC Strategy By Focusing On Where Users Are Going
May 7, 2015 By Sarah Stemen
On May 5th, Google Adwords had a product event and it should come as no surprise to digital marketers that mobile was the biggest topic on the agenda.
Continue Reading Analyzing Google’s May 5th Livestream Event Updates
May 1, 2015 By Sarah Stemen
We are always trying to improve quality score, theorizing the factors that impact this number, and striving to get our clients to understand it’s impact.
Continue Reading A Study Of Quality Score And Recommendations We Can Act Upon
March 23, 2015 By Sarah Stemen
Setting expectations is a way to be successful with clients. Using a timeline to show the client the direction the account is a great way to set expectations.
Continue Reading Setting Clear PPC Expectations From The Beginning
March 5, 2015 By Sarah Stemen
I am going to show how I was able to turn an account with too few leads into an account with a large volume of leads without sacrificing quality.
Continue Reading How I Increased Leads For My Client In A Niche Industry
February 24, 2015 By Sarah Stemen
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