• Just in case you haven’t heard, Microsoft adCenter has upgraded their conversion tracking options. Read this post to get all the details and find out how to update the tracking code on your site.
  • The Google AdWords Agency blog announced yesterday that you can now add in display ads with coupons in them. The coupon ads are new templates that are located in the display ad builder feature.  These new coupon display ads can be build in several different sizes and may very well help increase click-through rates and hopefully revenue over your typical branded display ads with no offer.
  • It’s that time of year: spring cleaning! The Yahoo Search Marketing blog has presented five things you should do tidy up in your PPC accounts to improve your performance. The list isn’t very detailed but it can give you some inspiration on where you can clean up your accounts. Now, get your feather duster out!
  • MSN adCenter has announced three new conversion counting options for PPC accounts. With these changes you can track first-click conversions, multiple conversions from one users, and all-in conversion reporting (tracking all conversions). Since these were just announced this week, we haven’t explored these options yet but it’s good to see MSN making progress!
  • The Post-Click Marketing Blog has the cure for two popular online marketing pains: landing page management and great post-click marketing. Read their helpful to find the prescriptions that will cure what ails ya.
  • Looking for another source of great PPC advice?  Check out Click Equation’s new “Learn” section.  There you can find informative whitepapers, webinars and blog posts on PPC.  Check it out.
  • Good advice:  Your ad is only as effective as your landing page.  Jake at the RKG Blog uses a “monkey in the forest” metaphor to explain how important it is to provide, clear, concise information to your PPC visitors with a thoughtful landing page.