Facebook Ads is one of the best channels for driving quality traffic to websites. It has great ad products and an amazing targeting platform. In the previous year, Facebook launched an ads delivery method named oCPM (Optimized CPM), which means that you as an advertiser pay for impressions but the Facebook Ads algorithm tries to maximize your business goals.
According to Facebook’s developer website:
Optimized CPM allows an advertiser to prioritize their marketing goals, and then automatically delivers ads against those goals in the most effective way possible. This allows advertisers to maximize the value they get from their budgets.
(Source: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/ads-api/optimizedcpm/v2.2)
If you are tracking specific goals, than having your campaign optimized for conversions can be the best method of getting quality leads for competitive prizes.
The trivial optimization way that most of the advertisers will choose will be “website clicks” in the campaign setting in Facebook. This is the problem.
The reason why is simple – Facebook has a lot of users that will click your ads, but many of them won’t necessarily engage with your content.
The solution I found is very simple – the odds for users that had been on your website more than X seconds to engage with your content is high. Very high. The average number of seconds I find is 10, but you have to fit the number according to your content and your business goals.
How can you test if you have this solution? With Google Analytics set a goal for users who spend more than 10 seconds on your site:
Now, if you have content that takes more than 20 seconds to read on your website and your goal conversion rate is lower than 50% – this small hack can dramatically increase your traffic quality.
Up until now, the problem was that setting a Facebook conversion after the user who clicked on your ad spent at least 10 seconds on your website was something that needed the IT department for each campaign. NO MORE. The big Facebook competitor – Google, with the new Tag Manager – is here to help you with a simple solution that every campaign manager can implement.
The Google Tag Manger idea is simple; instead of the campaign, the manager will ask the IT department to place codes on a website each time (such as Analytics, Re-Marketing, Conversions code and so on). You can place one code on each website and the campaign manager can do it by their own.
What do you need to do?
1. Log into the new Google Tag Manager.
2. Set a new trigger according to these settings:
(You can ignore the warning – it works fine for me)
3. Create a new conversion pixel in Facebook Ads and place the code with the new trigger.
4. Publish the new tag.
5. You can test it on the landing pages with the pixel helper.
When this:
Turns into this after 10 seconds:
(It may change according to the number of other Facebook pixels you have on your landing page but you will see the number increasing)
6. Open a new Facebook Ads campaign and optimize it to the new pixel.
7. Wait 24 – 48 hours until the Facebook optimization algorithm starts to optimize your campaign and test the results for the third day.
Did this method help you? I would like to hear!